Geoweb Slope & Channel Protection

Geoweb® Slope & Channel Protection

Economical Solutions To Prevent Erosion Caused By Surface Runoff

GEOWEB® geocells are an economical solution for erosion control. The 3-dimensional GEOWEB® structure holds the upper soil layer on the slope and prevents washout from water action or other erosive forces. In sandy soils, subject to wind erosion, the GEOWEB® system helps retain soils until vegetation has a chance to establish itself. On steeper slopes, the GEOWEB® system can help to hold embankment soils in place.

Why Use Geoweb For Slope And Channel Protection?

Resists Sheet Flow Erosion

Confined infill in the GEOWEB® cell structure is unaffected by sheet flow over the surface, preventing erosion.

Creates Stable Growth Environment

The GEOWEB® 3D cellular network isolates each cell to create an eco-zone protected from erosive forces.

Builds Steeper Slopes

Stabilization of the slope surface materials allows embankments to be constructed steeper.

Additional Features

  • Cellular confinement holds infill materials in place
  • Creates a flexible pavement to protect against erosion
  • Can be filled with clear stone, gravel, soil (vegetated), or concrete
  • Textured cell wall helps hold infill
  • Holes in cell walls promote drainage

Product Details

Stabilize the upper soil layer on embankments with the 3D GEOWEB® Slope Protection System to resist sliding, prevent severe erosion caused by surface runoff, and allow steeper slopes to be built.


Specification Sheet

GEOWEB® Slope & Channel Protection Technical Specifications

View Document


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Our Technical Services Team continuously creates and presents webinars and lunch presentations to better educate our clients. We would be happy to provide you and your group with a customized presentation based on your specific needs. We are also pleased to provide a series of pre-recorded webinars curated for this product group and shown below.

Thu 13
Erosion Control

Improving the Resilience of Slopes, Channels and Embankments Using Geosynthetics

Join Layfield Geosynthetics’ Dave Mueller, Technical Services Manager — Soil Reinforcement, and Presto Geosystems’ Bryan Wedin, Chief Design Engineer, for an enlightening webinar on combating erosion in earthen channels and slopes. These natural features are prone to degradation from gravity, water, and surcharge loads, leading to aesthetic degradation, landscape damage, and costly repairs.

Discover how Presto Geosystems offers efficient solutions with the GEOWEB® Soil Stabilization System, ensuring long-lasting protection by confining and reinforcing infill material. The GEOWEB® System is not only cost-effective but also versatile, addressing various stabilization needs across projects’ lifespans.

In this webinar, we’ll delve into:

  • Integrating GEOWEB® geocells into designs to enhance resilience, minimize environmental impact, improve aesthetics, and ensure safety for construction teams.
  • Exploring innovative applications of Presto Geosystems’ products for enduring stabilization solutions.
  • Understanding the performance of geocells in diverse soil conditions and challenging scenarios.
  • Identifying different applications of geocells and their suitability.
  • Leveraging geocells to manage stormwater runoff and mitigate erosive forces effectively.

Join us to gain valuable insights into revolutionizing slope, channel, and embankment projects with the GEOWEB® System.

Thu 13
Stormwater Solutions

Low impact Development Strategies using Geosynthetic Materials

Low Impact Development (LID) strategies have transitioned from suggestions to requirements in recent years, presenting new design challenges for engineers. This technical presentation will discuss common design elements for LID applications and how innovative products can be incorporated to increase effectiveness, reduce maintenance requirements and increase system life expectancy. Presented by Daniel Lotufo and Amy Woods, Layfield Geosynthetics. 

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