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Geosynthetics Applications
Geosynthetics Case Studies
- GEOWEB® Geocells Refurbishment of a Cold Mix Asphalt Roadway
- Escalante Reservoir Rehabilitation
- Floating Cover and Liner for Water Reservoir
- Concept Tanks: A new benchmark for produced water storage.
- Fortifying Slopes with GEOWEB: Solution for a Coal Mining Operator
- AquaDam® Cofferdam Solution for Tidal Channel Restoration
- Advanced Chemical Storage
- San Luis Obispo Reservoir #2
- Innovative Solution to Liquid UAN Storage
- Modular Insulated Cover (MIC) for Biotrain System for Wastewater Treatment Facility
- Nutrien Fox Mine - Mine Tailings Remediation
- Enhanced Water Storage in Onshore Gas Production Facility
- AquaBox and NuBarrier Offer an Efficient Stormwater Solution
- Quick and Efficient Installation of a GEOWEB Slope Protection System
- Long Term Reliable Containment of a Town’s Raw Water Supply
- El Toro Water District R6 Reservoir — HypaFlex CSPE Liner and Floating Cover
- HeatGard® Used in Next Generation Solar and Thermal Pit Storage Project
- Hinkle Reservoir — Potable Water Storage
- Forensic Psychiatric Hospital Flood Control
- Shoreline Protection at St. Lawrence Park
- Permeable Parking Lot for New Restaurant
- Expressway Stormwater Management
- Tank Foundation Reinforcement using Mirafi®
- Stormwater Road Improvement Project - StormTank®
- Remote Gas Hub 25 million liter Water Storage
- Pipeline Maintenance Dig with AquaDam®
- Stormwater Plan -Old Town Village
- Vapor Barrier Nakal'Bun Elementary School
- Mount Woodson Floating Cover Replacement
- Childcare Facility Built Above Stormwater System
- Porous Pavement System GeoBlock®-NAIT
- BGM Install-Methow Fish Hatchery
- Transformer Pad Relocation-Tunnel Replacement
- Layfield Completes Two High Capacity Reservoirs
- Wastewater Treatment MIC-Lacombe
- Temporary Floating Barrier-IP Park
- Infeed Deck Base Stabilization with GEOWEB®
- Biofilter Rehabilitation Humber Bay Wastewater Plant
- Haul Road Rehabilitation Using Geosynthetics
- Shoreline Restoration With AquaDam-Gull Bay
- Reinforced Drilling Platform-GEOWEB®
- Geotube Dewatering at 14 Hands Winery
- Geosynthetic Liner for 10 Mile Wooden Flume
- Tensioned Floating Cover- Extensive Plant Upgrade
- Reservoir Liner install - Enviro Liner® 6160
- ELL Double Lined Tank with Geovolt®
- Floating Cover for Massive Potable Water Reservoir
- VOC Barrier with VaporFlex® Premium in Coquitlam
- Mine Waste Rock Pad with Enviro Liner®
- Positive Pressure Anaerobic Digester Cover
- Bioswale for Trinity Meadows Housing Community
- Uniaxial Geogrid Required For Urgent Bridge Rebuild
- Fox Creek Oil & Gas Reservoir - Geocomposite & Enviro Liner®
- AquaDam® Flood Control Rapid Response in Orilla
- Fortis BC - Brentwood StormTank® & Presto GEOWEB®
- Complex Warm Waste Pond Liner Replacement
- Underground Stormwater Retention System - Marysville, Washington
- Crowe Dam Rehabilitation - Lock 14 Turbidity Barrier
- Ontario Wastewater Treatment Plant - Floating Baffle & MIC Cover
- St. Jacobs Water Pollution Control Plant
- Uleybury Landfill Expansion - Enviro Liner®
- Casper/Natrona International Airport | Diesel Aircraft Fire Fighting Training Pit
- Burgoyne Bridge Environmental Barrier - Enviro Liner®
Geosynthetics Knowledge Posts
- Fabricated Geomembrane Liners
- Employee Spotlight - Dane Figliola - Customer Experience/Logistics Manager, USA
- Employee Spotlight - Gina Bruni, Customer Experience Lead, Edmonton
- Transmissivity Of Geovolt® Conductive Geotextile
- Employee Spotlight - Paul Berry - Regional Manager, Richmond, BC
- Geomembranes for Environmental Remediation
- Employee Spotlight - Justin Gouthreau, Group Manager - Engineering Business Manager, Vaughan, ON
- A New Approach for Water Containment: The Technical Advantages of the Concept Tank™
- AI - The Next Big Issue in Geotechnical Design & Construction
- Employee Spotlight - Rob Rempel, Vice President, USA
- A Costly Mistake: Price vs. Performance
- Australia - Upcoming Event Series – Containment Certainty Using Advanced Geosynthetics
- The Importance of Geomembrane Flexibility
- Employee Spotlight - Randy Noble, Construction Operations Manager
- Geomembranes for the Containment of PFAS
- Las Pulgas Landfill Winterization Project Wins Prestigious Environmental Award.
- Employee Spotlight - Gina Pannoni, Account Manager
- Repeatability and Reproducibility of Standard Oxidative Induction Time (OIT) and High-Pressure Oxidative Induction Time (HPOIT) Test Methods
- Employee Spotlight - Greg Parrent, Business Manager
- Layfield named one of Canada's Best Managed Companies for the 8th Consecutive Year.
- Navigating Geomembrane Selection: HDPE vs. LLDPE - Which Fits Your Project Best?
- Addressing Geomembrane 'Whales': Preventive Strategies with HydraNet
- Employee Spotlight — Mike Neal, Senior Project Manager
- Employee Spotlight — Lee Jaboeuf, Regional Sales Manager
- Technical Symposium Promises to Showcase Cutting-Edge Advancements in Geosynthetic Design
- Layfield's New Warehouse Facility in Brisbane: Pioneering Operational Excellence
- Employee Spotlight — David Otteson, Occupational Health and Safety Manager
- Employee Spotlight — Ian Thorner, Engineering Business Manager
- Subgrade Preparation- Geomembrane Installation
- Backfilling Geomembranes
- Protecting Against Wheel and Track Loads with Woven Turf Reinforcement Mats
- Employee Spotlight — Mike DaSilva, Director of Sales USA
- Minimum Short-term Seam Peel Strength Requirements and Long-term Performance of Geocell Junctions
- Dam Good Questions: AquaDam Cofferdam FAQ
- Long-Term Repair of Aged CSPE
- Employee Spotlight — Jan Nichols, Regional Sales Manager
- Transforming Lake Forest Reservoir: A Relining and Floating Cover Project
- Alex Gersch Promoted to Director of Layfield Australia, Showcasing Expertise in the Geosynthetic Industry
- Biofilter Rehabilitation at Toronto’s Humber Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Premature Failure of Geomembrane Floating Covers in Australia: Causes, Comparisons, and Recommendations
- Employee Spotlight | Michael Corbett, Vice President of Sales and Operations
- Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority announced Layfield was awarded the Highlands 2 Reservoir
- Layfield's Edmonton Facility was granted accreditation by the Geosynthetic Institute
- Layfield Presents Multiple Technical Papers at 2023 Geosynthetics Conference
- Exclusive Canadian Distributor of North American Green Products
- Canadian Distributorship Agreement with Tensar®
- Geomembrane Liner Health-Check
- What role can plastics and geogrids play in sustainability?
- Bottomless Stormwater Tanks
- Handling Geomembranes in Extremely Cold Temperatures
- Biodegradable Erosion Control Blankets: Price vs. Performance
- Geosynthetic Configurations Around Underground Storage Systems
- GEOWEB vs Geogrids: Confinement vs. Reinforcement
- The ‘Benjamin Button’of Polymeric Liners
- A Green Future with Low Impact Development Strategies
- Electrical Leak Location for Polymeric Geomembranes
- First Aid Geomembrane Repair Best Practices and Recommendations
- Geomembrane Welding Methods
- Selection of Geomembrane Seam Sealing Technique. Why does it matter?
- Brownfields present an excellent opportunity for redevelopment.
- Effectively Manage Groundwater in Underground Stormwater Management Systems
- What is the difference between a woven and nonwoven geotextile?
Geosynthetics Products
- Installation & Maintenance
- Sediment Control
- Erosion Control
- Stormwater Solutions
- Soil Reinforcement
- AquaDam Flood Control/Cofferdam
- Industrial Fabrics
- Environmental Containment
- PVC Geomembranes
- Ultra Low Perm Geomembrane
- XR Geomembranes
- High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Geomembranes
- HydraNet - Geonet & Geocomposite
- Baffle Curtains
- Geotube
- Reinforced Polyethylene (RPE)
- Spray-Applied Liner Systems
- HeatGard Geomembranes
- BentoGard Geosynthetic Clay Liner
- HAZGARD Geomembranes
- Enviro Liner Geomembranes
- HypaFlex CSPE Geomembranes
- GeoFlex Geomembranes
- Floating Covers
Geosynthetics Technical Posts
- HydraNet HP Geonet Technical Specification
- Concept Tank™ with Floating Cover Solves Landfill Leachate Challenge
- AquaDam® Cofferdam Installation Guide
- Tensar H-Series™ HX145™ Geogrid Technical Specifications
- Tensar H-Series™ HX5.5™ Geogrid Technical Specifications
- TriAx® TX Type 2 Geogrid Technical Specifications
- InterAx® NX650™ Geogrid Technical Specifications
- Tensar H-Series™ HX165™ Geogrid Technical Specifications
- VaporFlex Premium Installation Guide
- HydraNet Conductive Geocomposite Installation Manual
- A Case History on the use of High Strength Woven Geotextiles to Reinforce Oil Sands Tailing Pond Closure
- VaporFlex® Flyer
- Installation & Construction Services - Canada
- AquaDam® Cofferdam Flyer
- HAZGARD Geomembrane Flyer
- Ultra Low Perm Geomembrane Flyer
- Turbidity Curtain Installation Guide
- VaporFlex® Premium Technical Specification
- Ultra Low Perm Geomembrane - 40 Mil Technical Specification
- Ultra Low Perm Geomembrane - 30 Mil Technical Specification
- PVC Pipe Penetration Detail
- Floating Silt and Turbidity Barriers Technical Specification
- VaporFlex® Standard Technical Specification
- Enclosure Systems Product Flyer
- GeoFlex® Product Flyer
- Challenges and Solutions During the Re-Lining of a Concrete Covered Water Reservoir
- Catch Basin Sediment Trap
- Enviro Liner Geomembranes
- Layfield Geosynthetics Overview
- Layfield Geosynthetics Line Card (USA)
- AquaDam Flood Control Installation Guide
- RX 1200 Biaxial Geogrids Technical Specification
- RX 1100 Biaxial Geogrids Technical Specification
- HydraNet Conductive Composite Technical Specification
- Insulated Blankets Technical Specification
- Industrial Fabrics - Product Brochure
- Water & Wastewater Product Brochure
- Tension Enclosure System (T.E.S) Installation Guide
- AquaDam Infographic
- Dura Skrim® 2 Technical Specification
- LBX 4040 Biaxial Geogrid (PP) Technical Specification
- LBX 3030 Biaxial Geogrid (PP) Technical Specification
- LBX 2525 Biaxial Geogrid (PP) Technical Specification
- LBX 2020 Biaxial Geogrid (PP) Technical Specification
- LBX 1616 Biaxial Geogrid (PP) Technical Specification
- Layfield Geosynthetics Line Card (Canada)
- Upper Chiquita Reservoir Floating Cover and Liner
- Chemical Resistance Table
- Emerging Applications for Evaporation Control Covers
- Long-term Performance of HDPE Geomembranes Exposed to a High-Temperature Brine Solution
- GEOTERRA GTA Construction Mats Technical Specification
- GEOTERRA Construction Mats Technical Specification
- GEOTERRA Construction Mat Installation Guideline
- WeatherPRO Plus Shrink Wrap Technical Specifications
- Geomembrane Resistance to Hot Brine in Produced Water and Flowback Applications
- Stress-Cracking Resistance of Bi-modal PE-RT HDPE Geomembrane
- Geomembrane Interface Friction
- CSPE Performance and History in Long-term Potable Water Storage Applications
- Geosynthetic Portable Cofferdams for Civil Construction Applications
- The Economics of Open Top Reservoirs and Geomembrane Floating Covers
- A History of Geomembrane Floating Covers in Australia
- HydraNet Triplanar 330 Geocomposite Technical Specification
- HydraNet Triplanar 300 Geocomposite Technical Specification
- Fresh & Produced Water Storage Brochure
- Gabion Mattress Technical Specification
- Performance of a Modular Insulated Geosynthetics Floating Cover: Heat Loss Modelling and Verification
- Radon Mitigation
- RPE-15FR Technical Specification
- Straw Wattle Technical Specification
- Gabion Basket Technical Specification
- HydraNet Biplanar Geocomposite Technical Specification
- GlasGrid Asphalt Reinforcement System 8502-8512 Technical Specification
- GlasGrid Asphalt Reinforcement System 8501-8511 Technical Specification
- Geomembrane Installation Quality Assurance Manual
- Tensar Uniaxial Geogrids Overview
- Tensar TriAx® (TX) and Biaxial (BX) Geogrids Installation Guide
- Silt Fence Technical Specifications
- StormTank® Module 20 Installation Guide
- StormTank® Module 20 Brochure
- StormTank® GroundPro™ GRS Overview
- StormTank® GroundPro™ GRS Install Guide
- StormTank® GroundPro™ GRV Install Guide
- Stormtank® GroundPro™ GRV Overview
- Mirafi® RSI-Series Overview
- GlasGrid® TF Installation Guide
- GlasGrid® Installation Guide
- GEOWEB® Retaining Wall Overview
- GEOWEB® Channel Overview
- GEOWEB® Slope and Shoreline Overview
- GEOWEB® Load Support Overview
- Miramesh® GR Geogrid Technical Specification
- Miragrid XT Geogrid Technical Specification
- TriAx Products Brochure
- TriAx Geogrid Brochure
- Railway Improvement System Overview
- HydraNet Info Sheet
- GlasGrid® Installation Procedures for CompoGrid Systems
- GlasPave® Asphalt Reinforcement Overview
- GlasGrid® Pavement Reinforcement System Overview
- North American Green Erosion Control Systems Overview
- Floating Curtain and Turbidity Barriers Info Sheet
- WattleFence™ Info Sheet
- Geovolt® Installation Guide
- Geovolt® Info Sheet
- Snow Tarps Info Sheet
- Sediment Control Product Guide
- NuBarrier™ Flyer
- Modular Insulated Covers Brochure
- Low Impact Development Product Guide
- HAZGARD® 635FR Technical Booklet
- HeatGard® Geomembranes Brochure
- HypaFlex® CSPE Geomembrane Brochure
- EnviroSlope Wire Mesh Face Technical Specification
- EnviroSlope Stacked Geoweb Technical Specification
- EnviroSlope Geogrid Wrap Technical Specification
- EnviroSlope Geoweb Face Technical Specification
- Typar Spun Bonded Nonwoven Geotextiles Technical Specification
- Monofilament Geotextiles Technical Specification
- Nonwoven Environmental Grade Technical Specification
- Woven Geotextiles Technical Specification
- Nonwoven Geotextiles Technical Specification
- PET Uniaxial Geogrid Technical Specification
- GlasPave 25-50 Technical Specification
- GlasGrid 8501TF-8511TF Technical Specification
- GlasGrid 8512TF Technical Specification
- Porous Pavement Solutions - GEOPAVE® & GEOBLOCK® Brochure
- Tensar® Uniaxial (UX) Geogrids Technical Specification
- Falcon Anchors™ & Falcon Pins™ Brochure
- FilterGrid_FG90 Technical Specification
- Erosion & Sediment Control Systems - North American Green Brochure
- FilterGrid_FG60 Technical Specification
- FilterGrid_FG30 Technical Specification
- FilterGrid_FG7 Technical Specification
- TriAx_190L Technical Specification
- TriAx_160 Technical Specification
- TriAx_150L Technical Specification
- TriAx_140 Technical Specification
- TriAx_130S Technical Specification
- TriAx_TX8 Technical Specification
- TriAx_TX7 Technical Specification
- TriAx_TX5 Technical Specification
- Enviro Liner® 6000 Technical Booklet
- Interax-Filtergrid-NX850-FG Technical Specification
- Interax Filtergrid-NX750-FG Technical Specification
- InterAx-NX850 Technical Specification
- Bioswale Brochure
- InterAx-NX750 Technical Specification
- Baffle Curtains Brochure
- Aquabox Brochure
- Tensar® Biaxial BXSQ 3030 Geogrids Technical Specification
- Tensar® Biaxial BXSQ 2525 Geogrids Technical Specification
- Tensar® Biaxial BXSQ 2020 Geogrids Technical Specification
- Tensar® Biaxial BXSQ 1515 Geogrids Technical Specification
- AquaDam® Flood Control Brochure
- FR Insulated Blankets Technical Specifications
- WeatherPRO™ XTREME Technical Specification
- WeatherPRO™ WES Technical Specification
- WeatherPRO™ TES Technical Specification
- BioFlex™ MarineShrink Technical Specification
- MarineShrink Technical Specifications
- Debris Netting Technical Specifications
- Snow Removal Tarps Technical Specifications
- Wire Backed Silt Fence Technical Specifications
- WattleFence™ Technical Specification
- Stormtank GroundPro GRV Technical Specification
- Stormtank GroundPro GRS Technical Specification
- GeoPave Technical Specification
- Catch Basin Donuts Technical Specifications
- GeoBlock Technical Specification
- Spring Berm Technical Specifications
- Silt Bag Technical Specifications
- NuBarrier Non Woven Geotextile Technical Specification
- TMax® High-Performance TRM Technical Specification
- Bioswale Technical Specification
- EroNet® Photodegradable Erosion Control Blanket Technical Specification
- BioNet® Biodegradable Erosion Control Blanket Technical Specification
- Brentwood StormTank Module 25 Series Technical Specification
- GEOWEB® Slope & Channel Protection Technical Specifications
- Brentwood StormTank Module 20 Series Technical Specification
- ShoreMax® Transition Mat Technical Specifications
- AquaBox Technical Specification
- VMAX® Permanent Turf Reinforcement Mats Technical Specs
- VMAX® High-Performance Turf Reinforcement Mats Technical Specifications
- Falcon Anchors™ and Hex Pins™ Technical Specifications
- Geovolt® Conductive Composite Technical Specification
- QuikGrid™ BiAxial Composite GeoGrid Technical Specification
- Tensar® Biaxial Geogrids Technical Specifications
- GEOWEB Load Support Technical Specification
- Mirafi RSi - Series Technical Specification
- Mirafi HP - Series Technical Specification
- Mirafi H2Ri - Series Technical Specification
- PVC Technical Specification
- Polypropylene Technical Specs
- Geotube® Woven Geotextile Technical Specifications
- XR Geomembranes Technical Specifications
- Polyurea Spray Applied Technical Specifications
- Reinforced Polyethylene (RPE®) Technical Specification
- HeatGard® Technical Specification
- HAZGARD® 5000 HT Technical Specifications
- HAZGARD® 1000 Technical Specification
- HAZGARD® 635FR Technical Specification
- GeoFlex® Technical Specification
- AquaDam® Flood Control Technical Specifications
- AquaDam® Cofferdam Technical Specifications
- High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Technical Specification
- HypaFlex® CSPE Technical Specification
- Enviro Liner® 4000 Textured - Technical Specification
- Enviro Liner® 4000 Technical Specification
- Enviro Liner® 3000 Technical Specification
- Enviro Liner® 1000 Textured - Technical Specification
- Enviro Liner® 1000 Technical Specifications
- Case Study, Lake Forest Reservoir Relining and Floating Cover
- Best Practices for the Design and Installation of Geosynthetic Floating Cover
- High Performance Geomembranes in Aggressive Mining Applications
- Emerging Uses of Geosynthetics Floating Covers in the Energy Sector
- Lining a Highly Irregular Vertical Wall with Polyurea/Conductive Geotextile Geomembrane
- Development of a Conductive Textile and its Uses in Electrical Leak Location
- Enviro Liner® 6000 - Textured Technical Specification
- Enviro Liner® 6000 Technical Specifications
- Forced Labour in Canadian Supply Chains Report
Geosynthetics Webinars
- Webinar: Protecting Water with Geomembranes and Floating Covers
- Improving the Resilience of Slopes, Channels and Embankments Using Geosynthetics
- World’s Largest Relocatable Water and Fluid Storage Tank
- Design and Installation of Geosynthetic Floating Covers and Liners for Municipal Water
- Advanced Geosynthetics for Landfill and Waste Applications
- New Advances in Base Course Stabilization and Reinforcement
- Under-slab Barrier Selection For Water Vapor and Soil and Gas
- Geomembrane Manufacturing Using Blown Film Process
- Design Fundamentals for Underground Stormwater Storage Systems
- Modular Insulated Covers
- AquaDam Flood Control
- Electrical Leak Location with GeoVolt
- Low impact Development Strategies using Geosynthetic Materials
- Next Generation Geomembranes: Introducing HeatGard, GeoFlex, and VaporFlex
- Enclosure Systems for construction projects
- Lessons from the Field: Constructing Geomembranes
- Extending the life of your Asphalt
Geosynthetics Drawings
- Generic Ballast Sand Tube Detail
- Generic Sand Tube Floor Strap
- Generic Liner Safety Ladder
- Vertical Pile Penetration Detail
- Vertical Geomembrane Connection to Concrete with Subgrade Detail
- Standard Vent Flap Detail
- Standard Slope Pipe Penetration Liner Welded HDPE Pipe Detail
- Standard Horizontal Pipe Penetration on Slope Detail
- Single Lined Standard Anchor Trench Detail
- Horizontal Geomembrane Connection to Concrete
- HDPE Pipe Flush Cut to Slope Pipe Penetration Detail
- Field Seam Detail - Split Wedge Weld
- Field Seam Detail - Solid Wedge Weld
- Field Seam Detail - Extrusion Weld
- Double Lined Standard Anchor Trench Detail
- Backfilled Containment Vent Detail
- PVC Pipe Penetration Detail
Flexible Films Case Studies
- Revolutionize Your Packaging with Layfield’s Specialty Film Products
- Employee Spotlight — Lisa McCleery, Account Manager
- Manufacturing in Focus - Layfield Group
- Layfield Flexible Films: Revolutionizing the Packaging Industry
- Layfield: Navigating Your Path to Superior Barrier Packaging Solutions
Flexible Films Formats
- Vertical Form Fill and Seal (VFFS)
- Vacuum-seal Bags
- Thermoforming Films
- Stand-up Pouch
- Spouted Pouch
- Side-seal Pouch
- Pinch-bottom Bag
- Pillow Pack
- Perforated Tear-off Bags
- Lidding Films
- Horizontal Form Fill and Seal (HFFS)
- Flat-bottom Bag
- Collation Shrink Film
- Chub Film
- Bulk Liners
- Barrel Liners
- Bag in Box Film
Flexible Films Knowledge Posts
- Innovations in Stand-Up Pouch (SUP) Packaging: Meeting Consumer Demands for Convenience and Sustainability
- Supply Chain Disruptions: How the Flexible Film Industry is Adapting
- Medical Packaging: Innovations in Sterile and Flexible Films
- Why IFS PacSecure and ISO 9001 Certifications Matter When Choosing a Packaging Supplier
- Embracing Sustainability: How Layfield Flexible Films and How2Recycle™ are Pioneering a Greener Future
- The Superior Choice for Flexible Films Packaging: Rotogravure Printing and Layfield Flexible Films
- Selecting the Right Packaging Partner
- Elevate Your Brand with Convenience Features
- Mastering Bag Size for Optimal Product Presentation
- Crafting the Perfect Coffee Packaging: Key Considerations for Optimal Design
- Choosing the Right Printing Technology for Flexible Packaging
- The Importance of Clean and Effective Artwork in Packaging Design
- Navigating the Transition to Sustainable Packaging
- Avoiding Material Mismatch in Flexible Packaging
- Mastering Flexible Packaging: A Guide for Brand Owners
- Designing Stretch Hood Films: Key Considerations
- Download: How to Design Premium Pet Food Packaging
- Layfield Industrial Films: Engineered for Excellence
- Elevate Your Health Care Packaging with Layfield’s Innovative Solutions
- Revolutionize Your Packaging with Layfield’s Specialty Film Products
- Employee Spotlight — Ava Shahrokhzadeh, Account Manager - Technical Services
- Manufacturing in Focus – Layfield Group
- Employee Spotlight — Lisa McCleery, Account Manager
- Layfield Flexible Films: Revolutionizing the Packaging Industry
- Unlocking the Potential: A Guide on Food Flexible Packaging Solutions
Flexible Films Products
- Construction Films
- Agricultural Films
- Medical Products
- Industrial Films
- Pet Care Packaging
- Food Packaging